Lesson 2, Topic 6
In Progress

Test compiled Setup.intunewin inside the sandbox

John Kraczek October 28, 2024
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

The first step in testing our package is to get the powershell command that will be run inside the sandbox to kick off the install. 

You can find that in the start_commands.txt file, I have also supplied it here. Copy it to the clipboard. 

					powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command "set-executionpolicy remotesigned -Force"; powershell.exe -file ".\PreLaunch.ps1" 

Right Click on the intunewin file in our output folder and select Run in Sandbox

A window will open asking for you to put in the launch command, paste the command you coppied just above. Then hit the + (plus) icon.

The Windows Sandbox will open. It will take some time for the intunewin file to be decrypted inside the sandbox and if it is taking a very long time, and you are curious if it is still running you can check the task manager. Look to see if powershell is running silently.

After the intunewin file has been decrypted and decompressed it will launch the user prompts showing that it is currently running the install. 

When it is finished, The icon will show up on the desktop and the notifications will indicate that the software was successfully installed. 

If your installation does not go as planned, you can adjust your scripts, recompile and then try the sandbox installation again. 

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